Monday, September 22, 2008

I love you, I love you, I love you...

My heart is breaking for a dear family in North Carolina. We were visiting this weekend and were having such a wonderful time, until a devastating phone call which changed everything. We had just finished a very fun tour of Linville Caverns, when my brother-in-law's cell phone rang. It was his sister telling him that his first cousin had been run over and that we needed to get her mother who was with us to the hospital and that it did not look good for her nephew. The hospital was not far from where we were, but before we could get there she called again saying that he had died. As sad as this news was, the worst was yet to come. When we arrived at the hospital, we learned that it was the father that had accidently run over his son and killed him. I cannot imagine anything more devastating. We also learned that the youngest daughter had witnessed seeing her dad run over by her grandfather. The grandfather was hysterical, of course, and there is concern that he can survive this. I do believe that God keeps His promises, and that He will not give us more than we can endure, but how could any parent keep their sanity after such an accident? And how can this child have a day in her life without reliving this tragic moment? My heart goes out to this father, this child, and to this family and I pray that God will comfort their broken hearts and that the trauma of this event will eventually fade. Please pray this prayer for them also.

I know that God's will is perfect and that there is purpose for His plan. My human mind cannot comprehend it, but I know that even this terrible event must be a part of it. I pray daily for the protection of my precious children, grandchildren and family. How quickly life as we know it can change so drastically. Look around you right now, give hugs and tell your family and friends that you love them and treat them as if this may be your last day with them. To those of you reading this that are so dear to me, I love you, I love you, I love you.

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