Friday, January 2, 2009

A Brand New Year... 2009!

Maybe it's because 2008 had more downs than ups, but I am ready to start a new year. I'm okay at being on the brink of a 59th birthday, I have the most wonderful family in the world and am at peace with where I am. I'm too grateful to be anything else.

I want to give a hodge-podge of thoughts about things today. Right now, at the forefront of my thoughts are those in my precious family who have a nasty stomach virus. One of the hardest things for me is to see those that I love sick. I know it is inevitable, but I don't like it! It is the helpless feeling that is especially hard for me. I pray that it is over soon and that no one else gets infected.

Christmas was as special as ever! So much joy as we celebrated our Lord's birth and exchanged gifts as a reminder of His glorious gift to us all. We had a wonderful vacation in Gulf Shores! The weather was beautiful and the look on the faces of the ones I hold dearest was priceless. Being someplace else is great occasionally, but home is good, too.

I have not made any resolutions as such for the new year, but I do want to continue my quest to become healthier, more productive and to grow spiritually. I want to spend more time with people who inspire me and less with the others. I want to focus on the good and positive things in life, and less on the unnecessary. I want to find balance and continue to seek God's will and opportunties to serve Him and others.

I look forward with excitement to the coming year's events and to making more sweet memories with and for my sweet family. I pray that I will face whatever challenges may come with courage and determination. I pray that I will keep the faith and at the end of 2009, will look back with the same gratitude and praise that I feel in my heart today.

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